文章主题:三星, Naver, AI, 生成式人工智能


站长之家(ChinaZ.com) 5月15日消息:韩国两大科技巨头三星电子和 Naver 公司已经同意联合开发一款生成式人工智能企业平台,以与 ChatGPT 等全球人工智能工具竞争。

🌟Samsung and Naver’s AI Collaboration 🚀Samsung is set to harness the power of data from its semiconductor division in a groundbreaking partnership with South Korea’s leading online search engine, Naver. The duo aims to create a cutting-edge generative artificial intelligence (AI) using Naver’s expertise, as reported by insiders. Once fully developed, this AI tool tailored for the Korean language is expected to be integrated into Samsung’s Device Solutions (DS) arm, which encompasses its semiconductor operations. This strategic alliance signifies a fusion of technology and innovation, ready to revolutionize the digital landscape. #SamsungAI #NaverGenius #FutureTech


🌟三星即将拥抱AI革新,借助内部专属的强大工具,提升生产效能,确保信息安全。💼通过与业界伙伴共享平台,他们将有效防范潜在的商业秘密风险,为全球化扩张铺平道路。据行业洞察者透露,Naver的这一举措无疑增强了其在国际企业人工智能市场的竞争力。🌍#三星AI# #合作创新# #信息安全

Samsung’s cutting-edge AI chatbot, powered by Naver Cloud’s advanced technology, stands out with its exclusive Korean language support. The tech giant recently announced the launch of its next-generation AI platform, HyperCLOVA X, set to revolutionize the local service scene in July. This enhanced version of HyperCLOVA aims to establish a comprehensive AI ecosystem tailored specifically for South Korea’s needs. 🤖🌐🌟

“Naver reveals that HyperCLOVA X’s language learning capabilities far surpass those of Microsoft’s OpenAI-powered ChatGPT, with an impressive 65,000 times more vocabulary specifically tailored to Korean. Unlike English-centric tools, it excels in interpreting韩语 prompts and delivers precise responses, making it a standout choice for enhancing language proficiency in the language.” 📚💻🌟

🌟Samsung and Naver are set to launch AI chips this下半年, ready to take on NVIDIA’s GPU in the competitive landscape of artificial intelligence. 🚀According to Gartner’s latest stats, the global AI chip market is projected to experience a staggering growth from $23 billion in 2020 to an impressive $700 billion by 2025. This tech-driven surge is set to reshape the industry and fuel innovation. 🔍Stay tuned for groundbreaking developments in the world of AI, powered by these game-changing chips. 💻#AIChips #GartnerForecast #InnovativeFuture

在三星的工程师不小心将源代码(商业机密)上传到 ChatGPT 上进行技术错误检查后,三星开发内部人工智能对话机器人的行动已经开始。在本月早些时候,三星表示正在禁止其 DX 部门员工在工作场所使用 ChatGPT、Google Bard、Bing AI chatbot 或其他生成式人工智能工具。

三星这个全球最大的存储芯片和智能手机制造商,成为表达对使用生成式人工智能工具和隐私担忧的最新韩国大公司。在韩国,全球第二大存储芯片制造商 SK Hynix 和韩国最大的钢铁制造商 POSCO Holdings 已经禁止员工在工作中使用生成式人工智能聊天机器人。

一些华尔街银行,包括 JPMorgan Chase、美国银行和花旗集团,也已经禁止或限制使用 ChatGPT 和其他生成式人工智能平台。




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