

财联社3月22日讯(编辑 赵昊)当地时间周二(3月21日),美国科技巨头谷歌公司推出了聊天机器人“巴德”(Bard)的测试版本,以期与OpenAI的ChatGPT展开竞争。

🌟:Bard, Google’s language AI, will operate separately and exclusively in English, delivering responses without the need for a direct connection. Currently, registration is limited to US and UK residents on the official site, with access granted on a first-come-first-served basis to those on the waiting list. 🚀SEO optimized: Enhance your knowledge with Bard, Google’s AI language partner, available solely in English. Sign up now for a limited US/UK exclusive experience. Be among the early birds to secure access. #BardGoogle #LanguageAI #RegistrationOpen


🌟掌握未来知识,提升效率的秘密武器 Bard 正等待你的探索!它以多维度智慧,为你提供问题的三种深度答案,激发创新思维火花。📚通过实践,我们已见证Bard的力量,现在,我们需要你宝贵的反馈来助力我们的成长大飞跃。🌍赶快加入,让Bard成为你知识加速器的一员吧!💖


🎉🚀Google Employees Unveil Criticism of Bard Launch 🚀🎉In a fiery exchange on the company’s renowned internal platform, Memegen, tech wizards expressed their reservations over Google’s recent announcement of BARD. The chorus of critique labeled the rollout as “hasty,” “clumsy,” and “definitely not in line with Google’s trademark finesse.” The sharp comments directed a clear message to CEO,劈啪尔·皮查伊, who found himself at the center of this online storm.The community, known for its candid assessments, expressed their disappointment, questioning the decision-making process behind such a move. It seems that BARD, Google’s ambitious AI language model, didn’t quite live up to the expectations set by the tech giant’s reputation for innovation and precision.SEO optimized version: 💻🔥Google Employees Express Disappointment in Bard’s Hasty Launch 🤔🔍Amidst the buzz on Google’s internal Memegen forum, a chorus of tech-savvy voices raised concerns about the recent introduction of BARD. The AI language model was criticized for being perceived as “rushed” and “flawed,” deviating from the brand’s usual standard of excellence. The focus fell directly on CEO,劈啪尔·皮查伊, whose name became synonymous with the project’s controversial debut.The platform, known for its candid feedback, saw a wave of commentary questioning the strategic decision behind BARD’s launch. Users wondered if it lived up to Google’s reputation for innovation and the meticulous execution that defines their work.Remember, when revising content, always maintain the original meaning while adapting it for SEO and readability.

🌟面对ChatGPT的强劲挑战,谷歌正面临一场史无前例的技术革新风暴。据传,在这款人工智能巨头崭露头角后,谷歌内部迅速升级了应对策略,其创始人 Sergey Brin 亲力亲为,亲自加入开发团队,以Bard为旗号展开了激烈的代码战。微软与OpenAI的领先地位,无疑对谷歌构成了前所未有的压力,他们必须加快步伐,才能在聊天机器人领域保持竞争力。🚀







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